On Saturday, the 27th of April 2019, a year ago it’s now but for three reason this date lingers still in memory, first it was on the morning of this date my adorable daughter was birthed and this story i have told already, today is for another one of those other two!
On this fateful day, the quiet town of Ugbomro home to the prestigious Federal University on Petroleum Resources (FUPRE) was shaken to its core, the vibration so strong indigenes of neighbouring communities scampered for safety, earthquake earthquake they screamed but no, the earth wasn’t quaking, it was NED-QUAKING!
This date, the second convocation ceremony of FUPRE, and Prince Ned Nwoko, the STAR PRINCE of Delta chosen as the STAR of the convocation was being confered as DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (HONORIS CAUSA)!
Oh what a day, it was a blend of culture and academics, every guest was held spellbound, even fellow recipients were razzle-dazzled, the atmosphere felt like it was the presidential inauguration holding on May 29th at eagles square, the cheering crowd of supporters couldn’t hide their admiration for the STAR of the SHOW, but there was something else that increased the excitement to fever pitch!
It was on this epic day 20 young men and ladies were each rewarded with a million naira for being amongst the first in their classes (more on this in my next piece) but majorly this day belonged to REGINA, the beauty daughter of RITA, as this was the day NED NWOKO/REGINA DANIELS love tale was announced to the world!
Weeks prior, there were speculations, hush hush hush, people whispered from mouth to ear, internet bloggers looking for news to feast on went to town with different versions of the story, i remember how multiple links to stories written about the love birds were forwarded to me, in all this Prince Ned Nwoko, man i call father said, son stay calm, no need responding, ignored i did, but after this day, the narratives changed!
For one who reads and research alot, i have read countless love tales from the most famous lovers Romeo and Juliet, to Cleopatra and Mark Antony, Lancelot and Guinevere, Tristan and Isolde, Paris and Helena, Orpheus and Eurydice, Napoleon and Josephine, all the way to Odysseus and Penelope, as epic and intriguing as these love stories are, none of them comes any close to NED AND GINA!
As i led the cheering troupe outside the school gates in anticipation of the arrival of the star prince, my eyes beheld a wonder on wheels, the Rolls Royce phantom coloured black and as it got closer, the Prince decked in dark blue suit and purple sleeves to match was behind the wheels, sitting besides him was the beautiful Regina, decked in a yellow suit, indeed the colour combo of both Ned and Gina was enough to brighten the sky for an hour after sunset on that day and the colour of their underlying love brigthens the sky till this day, no wonder we experience longer days!
As everyone watched in awe, there was great excitement in the air, this was their first public appearance, and it was amazing to see how easy the love birds blended, even for the naysayers, it was clear they complimented each other in so many ways!
As the event drew to a close, there was a tinge of sadness amongst everyone present, the kind you get when a particular show, movie or story you love gets to its end or when someone you deeply care about is about leaving your presence, though you know you can always see them again you still feel sad, at that point everyone was sad to see the PRINCE AND THE BEAUTY leave!
The love tale between the charming Prince Ned Nwoko and his delectable bride, the beautiful Regina Daniels, till date remains the ultimate fairy tale script of how a love story should be, so much so i am inspired to document it in a book for generations to come to be able to read and get inspired by true love, truly like most famous love story, this too certainly came with its excitement and intrigue, alas unlike the others with mostly sad endings, this one the couple are living happily ever after!
God bless the PRINCE!

Idi Presley Ifeanyichukwu, a Writer, Activist, PR Expert, Communication Manager and Political Analyst writes from Ushie, he can be contacted via email on!